Best CDP in the $4k to $8k range

I just sold my Simaudio Moon Nova and am in search of a replacement. At the moment, listening to CDs on an Arcam. I have listened to a bunch lately - notably the Simaudio Eclipse SE (which I thought was great, but might suffer from a slightly bright uppermid), the Esoteric DV50 (which lacked the openness and extension of the eclipse), Mark Levinson 390S (which seemed a tad dry and reportedly suffers from reliability issues). The Wadia 861b was suggested to me and I will find time to listen to it. The Audio Aero Capitole also might be a contender. The rest of my system consists of a Placette active preamp, CJ Premier 11a, Revel Gems and B15 sub, Shunyata PCs and Hydra, and Sistrum rack. Those familiar with these CDPs, please help! Thanks.
Audiomeca Mephisto 11.x if you can audition is a excellent player. Canary Audio just realeased the CD-100 tube player that uses a Sony Transport and Sony's latest 24/192 dac. I borrowed this Canary unit from a friend and have been listening to it for a couple days and it is very impressive.
It is built solid and uses Hovland Musicaps.
It looks like Cary Audio just released some new players so you may want to give them a look. I have not heard them so I can not comment. But they are a company with a good reputation for building solid equipment with good support. Before considering the wadia you may want to read previous threads concerning their service history. Just my thoughts.

It may be time to go the separate route with a Audio Lodic or Chord 64 DAC. I tried a bunch of CDPs Wadia 861B, Audiomeca 2X, extremely modified Shanling, Resolution Audio Opus 21, Accuphasse 77, Sony ES777 and found them all to have various strengths and weaknesses. I prefered the Wadia overall but at the askig price, I found better performance in going with separates. Check out the CEC T1 & T2 transports and the DACs I mention above. That combination bettered the CDPs that I compared it to. Another option is to get a CDP and have it modified, I know a local tech that modified the old Pioneer DP-65 and it is killer for about $1500.

Happy Listening.