Will a $700 turntable outperform a CD player?

I’m looking into getting a second source as I don’t want to be tied down to internet and a streaming service as my only source.  Will a $700 turntable and inexpensive phono preamp out perform a Cambridge CXC transport / Schiit Gungir Multibit?  
The Schiit Sol / mani preamp look enticing but I know nothing about turntables.

I used to dj and always used technics Sl1200’s and really liked them.  I can pick up a nice SL1200 mk3 used for $600...

I figure that before I start spending hundreds, possibly thousands, on cd’s or vinyl, I should be sure which format I want!

Thanks for any advice / input regarding this 😁

Best Regards,
The bog standard CD will give you 96db dynamic range, which is still about 25db better than even the BEST vinyl.
Please research the LSB ADC problem.

the initial problem is in the ADC, the analog to digital conversion.

there is no suitable analog to digital converter in existence anywhere.

And that is just the start of the problems with digital. Specific implacable problems that analog does not have at all...

Dither exists as a thing, in a feeble and failed attempt to shine a turd.

But wait...there's more. Much more....
As I oft counsel, the CD is not (rpt not) the problem, it can contain tremendous dynamic range and signal to noise ratio, and all of the intricate Information from the original tape. The problem, gentle readers arises when the CD is played back 🔙 on CD players, even very expensive CD players! Hey, where did all the information and dynamic range go?!! 😩
And I’m not even talking about CDs that have the life compressed out of them, which accounts for the majority these days, I’m talking about good CDs. Heck, you’re lucky if you get 75 dB dynamic range out of a CD.
Just listen to some vinyl systems and some digital systems. Some people don’t care that much. If you do prefer the vinyl set up and are willing the extra effort than it’s a good choice. Asking us is quite irrelevant. For me vinyl is a no brainer. For others they feel their digital is good enough. So it’s obviously a better choice for them. 
As far as the comments “the best digital is compatible to the best analog. Who cares, I’d care more about enjoying all my music collection. And this is accomplished more with analog for myself. And I accept other find different. 
teo audio

All sound studios record almost everything digitally today.  95% of the analog you think you are listening to has already been a to deed once at the microphone and dee to aed again onto the vinyl.   So even in the best analog system you have, you are already listening to digital, twice converted.  It is 21 st century guys. There are virtually no analog recording studios left anywhere. 

Not true if you listen to vintage vinyl or reissues kept in analog,  or the modern audiophile recordings done on tape. This does narrow down the listening options but many of us choose these recordings almost exclusively.