PS Direct Stream Vs. Lumin X 1 Sound quality difference?

I think I'm going to purchase a Lumin X-1 and sell my PS Direct Steam Dac.
Can anyone share their experience with these 2 products, particularly in sound quality?

Thanks,  I wonder if it would matter the type of resolution playing through it? Probably not, but if I play Qoboz I'll find a higher rez file to loop.
I'm going to find the sleep setting.

    Hello ozzy,
      I do the same thing as three_easy_payments with my D2, leave it on 24/7 and it's set to 'sleep' after 15 minutes. 
      I use mine with a 20 TB Synology storage unit, using an iPad as the GUI, and with all 3 devices wirelessly connected to my wi-fi.  I like the Lumin app with its mega data and configurable sortation options including the resolution of each track playing.  It's only frozen up on me once in the almost 5 months I've been using it and this was easily rectified by just shutting the 3 units off and then back on to reset them.
     My only complaint thus far is I wish the letters for alpha quick access, with the letters displayed vertically down the right side of the iPad display/remote, were a bit larger; it's hard to select accurately without using a small stylus.
     Ozzy, are you using an iPad as a remote?

Noble100, Tim,
I first ordered a Apple I-Pad via Amazon but it must have been a resold unit because it already had a password and couldn’t be unlocked. Apple was no help.
Knowing that the X1 was on the way to me, I went to the local Best Buy and bought a Samsung 10.1. Tablet
It seems to work and do what a good remote does, so I am happy.


Hey ozzy,

     Cool, Samsung 10.1s are very nice. excellent picture quality with a very responsive touchscreen.  
Here is what Source Systems LTD/ Lumin commented on via email about the Lumin break in time.

" All good digital takes 400-500 hours to begin to sound its best. Then it gets better and better even after that. You can leave it on with or without music playing."
