What do you sit on?

As my system has improved I am spending more time listening but my "sweet spot" is not as comfortable as I would like. I'm looking at new chairs, recliners, etc.  This is one topic I have not seen discussed on Audiogon. What kind of chair, perhaps what specific manufacturers are favored by experienced audiophiles? Maybe a little crowd sourcing in this area might turn up some overlooked gems in the way of listening room furniture.
Ag insider logo xs@2xbruce19
Check out "The Oslo Collection" by MAC MOTION CHAIRS. They have quite a few models of leather recliners with memory foam (+ ottoman). One of their models resembles a Recaro racing seat. All of my guest(s) make a b-line for that chair, and for good reason! 
@ tt1man - I bought my wife a saddle chair for her dental hygiene work, it's really quite good for her sitting 8 hours a day hunched over patients.
Made in Norway!
@tt1man.....*S*  Elegant chair, that Lobster....but the wing-like sides at the backs' top might be a 'cheat' in some minds...

Reminds me of cupping your hands behind your ears....even held out from ones' skull, the effect is noticable.

Be a nice one to nap out in, tho.....*G*

@rixthetrick...."YeHa!  Git along, lil' molars!" ;)
I have an old puffy leather lazy boy recliner.  But the real issue is not comfort but can a regular recliner or any chair be too high for listening?  Should it be lower?  I noticed just yesterday that when I drop a pen while in my chair and leaned down to pick it up.....bass!!!  Not overwhelming but nice bass.  About a foot from the floor.  Listening to Vandersteen Treo CTs which are about 24 inches from a wall solid brick wall, nine feet tall.