I think I am getting this, lemme know if I got it wrong
i'm just doing some math to learn the formulas
of course when you know this stuff it's intuitive
Impedance change factor is square of amount of transformer boost
47,000 (typical MM phono input)
47,000 divide by change factor = resultant actual impedance
The recommendation of Rothwell Audio Products is in line with Ortofon, Audio Technica and most other cartridge manufacturers - that 100 ohms is a good value for most cartridges, and that the exact value is not critical as long as it is well above the cartridge's source impedance."
signal strength: enough, but avoid too high, say 5mv max (easy math)
impedance is what effects the sound
too low = dull. too high = too bright
AT33PTG/2 is .3mv and coil 10 ohm impedance
coil 10 ohm x 10 = 100 ohm goal (average)
working backwards from desired impedance average of 100
47,000 divided by 100 = 470.
470 is square of 21.5 (boost factor found working backwards)
.3mv cartridge x 21.5 = 6.45mv = TOO HIGH SIGNAL STRENGTH
lower the signal strength means lower the boost means impedance goes up, just don't go up too much
IF desired max signal 5mv divided by .3mv = 16.7 signal boost.
16.7 squared is 279
47,000 divided by 279 is 168 ohms resultant impedance, not bad!
typical boost 10x or 20x, not 16.7 unless custom built.
.3mv x 10 is 3mv, TOO LOW? (mx100z phono sensitivity is 3mv)
.3mv x 20 is 6mv" TOO HIGH?
Resistors, parallel with Transformer's secondary are a method of adjusting the impedance
i.e. 100k resistor across 47,000 is 32,000
"NO RESISTOR sounds as good as NO RESISTOR"