The next big driver hype: Textreme

Just thought I'd mention it now, since in a few months we are probably going to be seeing a number of drivers, possibly tweeters as well as mids and woofers of this material.

At least one manufacturer, SB Acoustics (think Tekton tweeters, among others) is releasing a line of woofers for DIY and OEM this year.

Fun stuff.


     What is that....A dream?

      Yes, that's Textreme!

     Sorry, I've been working on their upcoming marketing campaign/blitz non-stop for weeks now and I'm going a bit bonkers.

Thanks guys! That article was really fascinating speedbump6. It will really be interesting to hear speakers with this technology in the future. 
I saw the Purifi measurements.  I was more than a little puzzled, as the claim is that the IM distortion is coming from doppler effects, but the Purifi still moves the same way.
