The next big driver hype: Textreme

Just thought I'd mention it now, since in a few months we are probably going to be seeing a number of drivers, possibly tweeters as well as mids and woofers of this material.

At least one manufacturer, SB Acoustics (think Tekton tweeters, among others) is releasing a line of woofers for DIY and OEM this year.

Fun stuff.

Thanks guys! That article was really fascinating speedbump6. It will really be interesting to hear speakers with this technology in the future. 
I saw the Purifi measurements.  I was more than a little puzzled, as the claim is that the IM distortion is coming from doppler effects, but the Purifi still moves the same way.

It is all about a polarity of shear that travels the cone and returns on both sides of the cone and thru the cone back towards the point of the intial wave launch. The voice coil. How many wave collisions will there be on a flat moving foil.. how many more will there be on a moving cone suspended between at least 2 very different materials and shapes each with their own geometry and shear velocity..many more collisons of waves and eruptions and direction changes. Tom
Pay $, Point  German laser scanner at driven cone, review graphic results over entire surface of cone: blue in phase to input signal, red = out of phase, review results and weep... or rejoice

repeat until perfection attained at reasonable cost.

The shear also travels the basket the flange the baffle and all sides all at different material velocities traveling in near infinite and changing directions. All tied back again to the next wave launch from the voice coil. Tom