Emotional rollercoaster

I think I've been slowly improving my system over years. Starting with garage sale finds and tip finds to eBay and ultimately spending serious dollars on some decent amplification and speakers. I was even going to post recently about how the journey has been worth it.
Then this afternoon I tested an old Akai AA-5200 that I'd retrieved from under my ex's house (left it there 8 or so years ago) and I connected it to some old magnat 10p speakers I picked up for about $40 ages ago.... and behold.... I was listening to about $60 of hi-fi equipment that sounded extraordinarily nice and made me wonder why I'd spent a hundred and fifty times that much "improving" my main system over the years. 
It's left me disillusioned and fragile. Is spending big bucks a sham. Where have I gone wrong. It's an emotional rollercoaster. Help.


     Well said, baylinor!  I agree completely.

     You can either treat and control the room or let the untreated room control the sound.  You're correct, room treatments are as critical for good results just as a good, solid foundation is critical for a building.


This is a refreshing thread. When big money meets big expectations, the disappointment can be really hard to swallow. When you realize you've been chasing an ideal that's not attainable and you're poorer for it, hurts. The OPs post is real. The roller coaster doesn't slow down by itself. The hype keeps on hyping. 

I'm starting to realize this in my own pretty new audiophile journey. Trying to avoid early mistakes of big money on unknowns. Buying used where possible. Trusting my ear. Becoming less sentimental about gear I've purchased.

Thanks for sharing, OP. 

Could nostalgia be part of what you are feeling/hearing with your old equipment?  So I wonder what I would hear and how I would feel if I could hear the LPs on the system I had when I was 25 years old?  I am darn sure it would bring back memories and feelings long since gone (girlfriends parties, friends, etc) ... that are very much missed.  No equipment I have today (no matter how good) could quite bring back the sound that goes with those memories that drive the emotional response to the music.  So listening to Led Zeppelin on a factory FM radio may resurrect the feeling of cruising with all the windows open, my girlfriend at my side and a joint in my hand more effectively and enjoyably than any expensive system ever could.

"For example where, in the miles and miles of column inches can you find a group test review of high end speakers?"

At some point, I have not cheked in some time, British magazines had comparison tests of speakers. I am not sure how believable they were and if they ever had high end, but they existed.

Think of it . What is music made of . Apart from the obvious which is sound it has tempo , rhythm with melodies , submelodies . All this with a particular tone .
If you can get the playback equipment to play the elements that make up music you'll have a musical system . The capability of comunicating these element does not have anything to do with the price of the equipment but rather the synergy between the parts .

During my life I've had small portable transistor radio capable of comunicating these elements and heard thousands of dollars worth of equipment that has left me cold . 
Its not that expensive equipment sound bad in its ability to comunicate music , they can sound great but the fact that its expensive does not garantee excellence in comunicating music . 

We of course play a role in all of this . Many lose sight that its all about the music and get so involved buying and changing equipment that they end up spending thousands looking for something and never finding it . 
This mentality makes certain audiophile easy prey for unsrcupulous dealers who know that you don't have to spend tens of thousands in order to enjoy good music replay .

You seem to have stumble upon a good combination that makes music , thats great but in the event have learn a valuble lesson .