One-stop solution for vacuum record cleaner?

I use my VPI-17 vacuum record cleaner with only water in it to rinse and suck up debris and dust.  Always do serious cleaning by hand, using disc-doctor record wash, but it is so labor-intensive I rarely do it.  Never tried the Disc Doctor concentrate, not wanting to contaminate the device irretrievably.  Is there a good cleaner one could use in the VPI as a one-stop solution, for records that only need light cleaning, that cleans better than pure water but wouldn’t leave a residue?
whatever you use pure water in the final step has its benefits of cleaning every left residue. Next cleaning can be done with only pure water.
@whart   When I purchased the Disc Doctor system for my VPI 16.5 (30 years old) from Tom Port of Better Records, I was told to use separate wands for DD and washing/rinsing as well as separate brushes.  I use either RO or distilled water for the rinses.
Separate wands but try the Keith Monks discOvery fluid. I've been trying others and find this one does a GREAT job. Simple and one step solution