Too good a post to waste

On a thread that is a running example of the textual equivalent of nonstop cat videos. So here it is again.

I could understand the cables are snake-oil doubters and take them seriously- in 1980. Back then there was no internet, Stereo Review was pretty much it, and Julian Hirsch was the Oracle of all things audio. Stereo Review and Julian Hirsch said if it measures the same it sounds the same. Wire is wire, and that was that. 

Even then though J. Gordon Holt had already started the movement that was to become Stereophile. JGH took the opposing view that our listening experience is what counts. Its nice if you can measure it but if you can’t that’s your problem not ours. 

Stereo Review and the measurers owned the market back then. The market gave us amplifier wars, as manufacturers competed for ever more power with ever lower distortion. For years this went on, until one day "measures great sounds bad" became a thing.

Could be some here besides me lived through and remember this. If you did, and if you were reading JGH back then, I tip my hat to you, sir! I fell prey to Hirsch and his siren song that you can have it all for cheap and don’t really have to learn to listen. Talk about snake-oil! A lot of us bought into it. Sorry to say.

But anyway like I was saying it was easy to believe the lie back then because it was so prevalent and also because what wire there was that sounded better didn’t really sound a whole lot better.

Now though even budget wire sounds so much better than what comes off a reel you’d have to be deaf not to notice. Really good wires sound so good you’d notice even if you ARE deaf! No kidding. My aunt Bessie was deaf as a stone but she could FEEL the sound at a high enough volume, knew it was music. The dynamic punch of my CTS cables is so much greater than ordinary 14 ga wire I would bet my deaf from birth aunt Bessie could "hear" the difference. Certain so-called audiophiles here, I'm not so sure.

Oh and not done beating the dead horse quite yet, according to my calendar its 2020, a solid 40 years past 1980. Stereo Review is dead and buried. Stereophile lives on. A whole multi-billion dollar industry built on wire not being wire thrives. Maybe the measurement people can chalk up and quantify from that just how many years, and billions, they are out of date and in denial. 
Your starting to seem like someone whose whole life is actually siting by his computer using google to come up with information to try to impress the rest of us.

Ya think? Good to see people finally figuring this out. Why its taken so long I do not know. 

Someone might want to go back and read through my posts. Very early on someone took me to task for what I at first thought was just due to your garden variety scientific illiteracy. Well they do a lousy job teaching these things so I at first thought that's all this is and explained.  

From the response this got it was clear not only is there no understanding of electricity, there is no science either. Not only this, but it seemed what little there was was being used to confuse rather than understand. When you know a subject inside and out its easy to spot the fakers. This was not only a faker, it was malevolent, mean-spirited fakery.  

What I mean is most fakers are posers. This was no poser. The poser is trying to join the in crowd. Like pretending to be a better more experienced and knowledgeable audiophile. But that's not what this was. 

This was trying to make fools of audiophiles. This was having it in for audiophiles. This is up to no good. Like I said, go way back in my posting history and see for yourself.

Yes I got all this from twmy response left him flummoxed. Absolutely pegged, and in record time- two posts! Seriously, go back and read the history. It is there for all to see. Unlike the ones above, and probably this one, the erasers of history haven't gotten round to removing it. 

So anyway like I said this was all apparent to me from reading just two posts. But it seemed so unlikely there could be anyone so deeply malevolent and disturbed I had to be sure. DYODD means Do Your Own Due Diligence. Site search. Web search. Sure enough, no evidence whatsoever of any genuine audiophile background, let alone interstellar starship engineering.  

Its really sad the way he's been able to get away with this for so long. Chalk it up to the inherent good nature of most people, I guess. Anyone thinking there's any there there might want to do what I have done, DYODD, search around, see what you find. Then if you still want to engage, oh well. Price we pay for liberty. Personally, I think everyone, and the site, and frankly the whole field of audio would be much better off if we would all simply say move along, please. Permanent ignore. Move along. Please.
Motivation to update the LinkedIn profile....

mine was sadly out of date, of course....
millercarbon, I am going to tell you how it is. A number of us have been on this site for many years. We have a history together. I have been mostly a silent member until a year or two ago. I am a CPA and do not have a background in electricity and don’t care a bit, although, truth be told, my last position was director of tax for a power utility.

You made a huge mistake when you insulted almarg a few days ago. He is among, if not the most polite and respected members here. There is no coming back from such a blunder in my eyes. So kindly do not use my post in any way to further whatever your agenda is.  There is absolutely no common ground between us.
To the OP, yup, I remember those magazines, reading them constantly as a kid (I'm 44 now).  Good times.

Does anyone know of a comprehensive study done where decent selection of people were gathered, their hearing tested, not just with music but gauging their capabilities and then run through blind testing without knowing anything about the gear or the changes, something like "you'll listen to this [or theses] track(s), you tell us what you hear, we'll switch and play it again and you... [wash rinse repeat for x amount of changes]" ?