Does it improve the sound of a MM or MI cartridge by playing it through a phono stage?

I've been hearing about these old inexpensive Japanese cartridges getting rave reviews and I was wondering if they sound better if played through a phono stage as MCs do. Of course this would be at the standard 47K ohms load.

I have an Acutex LPM 412STR with the original and replacement stylus and would like to know how it would sound best. It was inexpensive (a long time ago), but might be an interim option if I have to get my regular cartridge serviced. I upgraded it about 9 years ago to a Van den hul One Special and thought the VDH was much better sounding with a Rega P5 played through the phono section of a Plinius 8200MKII integrated amp. Since then, I purchased a Sutherland Insight phono stage that has settings for the VDH (200 ohms) and a 47K ohm load for the Acutex, along with 3 or 4 others.
some in built phono sections in preamps and integrated amps of the 70's-80's-90's are quite nice and may outperform sonically some of todays stand alone phono stages.
The Acutex has a 3,5mv output so it should be connected to mm input, if you do to want to overload your amp.
But you have to listen yourself between the Sutherland and Plinius to decide which sounds better.
I’ve got several AcuTex carts. All this hoopla and hand-wringing about preamps, over a clone of an AT cart!


The Acutex carts are just unauthorized copies of run-of-the-Mill AT carts. Instead of V magnets, it has mumetal “Mickey Mouse” ears. It uses the identical cantilever suspension as used on AT carts. 

In fact, Audio Technica sued the parent Japanese maker of AcuTex carts, Azden, in 1985, over patent infringement.

The “3rd” pole of the AcuTex “Tri-Pole” design is nothing but a cheap gimmick. They do NOTHING! The cantilever is hard mounted; there is no axial movement!!

Cheaper just to buy an AT cart. They sound and perform the same!

Such a lame thread here. 

Sorry! But not sorry.
You may want to do some reading here. I think it will help you better formulate a question so others can understand what you are asking. Lots of great info on all things hi fi.
Sorry Wolfie - I guess a better phono stage is a better phono stage, even if they are both ideally matched to a MM/MI cartridge and have a 47K ohm impedance.

Maybe it doesn't make as big a difference as with a MC cartridge, or maybe it is assumed people who buy MMs don't want to spend $$ for a phono stage.
If it sounds  good to you ,that's all that matters.But if your a person with cash to spend then buy a $2,500 phono stage.The only way you will know is to do a A/B tests.