Is the Manley Steelhead still relevant?

Looking for a state-of-the-art phono stage. Budget? $15K or less. After almost 20 years, is the Manley Steelhead still relevant? Or are there newer, better options?
The Steelhead is still relevant because its just a good circuit design. For a very long time it was the phono stage to beat. Since it can be used as a linestage and take the place of a preamp its an extremely flexible piece. My only problem would be using it was my ARC tube amps which are balanced only.
Just thought I’d add:
Most think the steelhead is a tubed unit. It’s a hybrid phono stage with transformer input, FET, then tube. Never heard one. But I’m partial to tubes.
Time and time again, my rig amazes me and since I have a Steelhead, I know it is relevant and one of the reasons I get such good sound. Last night I forgot I had the original RCA pressing of Mingus' Tijuana Moods that I "inherited" (he is still alive thank goodness) from my father. Some of you may already know that the record was recorded in '57 but not released until '62. The sound was just so incredibly gorgeous and clear, making me once again think that Fremer is wrong when he talks about modern vinyl pellets being superior, modern pressing being superior, etc. 

Anyone know what could be wrong for an intermittent vari out from the left channel on the Steelhead?  (No sound out of left RCA vari out, but then after turning off and on, and hearing a very audible "click", everything works.  Also had a complete block on MM1, MM2 out, with nothing, until after the audible "click".)  Thanks.
This is not a phono stage, but it is what one looking for the very best would do well to consider: Soundsmith SG1. With the best available power supply this is said to be at least as good as phono stage/cart combinations where each part, cart and stage, is more than your phono stage budget. Strain gauge eliminates the phono stage, and allows very affordable stylus replacement.