I went thru all the notes, every recommendation, every one I found. I couldn't put myself or you thru any more research. I got mail to open, bills to pay today deadline!
I chose the Fidelity Research FRT-4 because:
3 inputs, bypass and 4 settings: 3 ohms,10 ohms, 30 ohms,100 ohms
For this cartridge .3mv/10ohm:
10 ohm = 21x = 6.3mV = 107 ohm load
30 ohm = 18x = 5.5mv = 140 ohm load
3 ohm and 100 ohm options for unknown future MC
MM pass thru for my Mono Cartridge
I like 3 inputs option too, you never know.
Unit tested, seller knows electronics, 100% rating, takes returns
So, 'add to cart'. $630. + ship + tax + fees
It's all Bill's fault I fell into this MC rabbit hole.
Thanks to everyone, it was a treat to go back and review the whole thread. This forum has been good to me.
I chose the Fidelity Research FRT-4 because:
3 inputs, bypass and 4 settings: 3 ohms,10 ohms, 30 ohms,100 ohms
For this cartridge .3mv/10ohm:
10 ohm = 21x = 6.3mV = 107 ohm load
30 ohm = 18x = 5.5mv = 140 ohm load
3 ohm and 100 ohm options for unknown future MC
MM pass thru for my Mono Cartridge
I like 3 inputs option too, you never know.
Unit tested, seller knows electronics, 100% rating, takes returns
So, 'add to cart'. $630. + ship + tax + fees
It's all Bill's fault I fell into this MC rabbit hole.
Thanks to everyone, it was a treat to go back and review the whole thread. This forum has been good to me.