Your favorite carbon fiber cleaning brush ...?

I recently replaced my old Goldring super exstatic carbon fiber/velvet brush with a Pro-Ject carbon fiber brush and I'm not impressed! Any recommendations?
The Audioquest carbon fiber brush (with gold metal insert in handle) is better than the ubiquitous and massively rebranded cheapie carbon brushes like the ProJect, but to be honest I feel that the carbon fiber brushes in general are pretty lame. I have a high end cleaning machine to keep the deep grooves clean, and the all-carbon brushes are pretty weak at removing surface dust that lands during the course of a listening session. I’m about to give up on my Audioquest brush.

I feel hybrid brushes like the Hunt are probably a better solution.

Then some people even use carbon fiber bristles to clean their stylus, and I can't imagine that being effective at all.
I agree with @mulveling on the Audioquest brush. They’re a pain to use as well. I feel most people don’t use there brushes correctly to get the most out of them. One rotation ain’t gonna get it.. I do two rotations then flip the brush around and two more rotations. carries a brush I use and like. Thunderon.