Which SUT? .... for .3mv/10 ohms MC cartridge into 3mv MM input sensitivity

Please help me choose a SUT for my 1st MC cartridge.

Now I have more than enough volume using my existing MM cartridges thru my mx110z MM Phono input which says sensitivity 3mv/47k ohms impedance.

AT440ml is 3mv.
Shure 97xe is 4mv
Shure V15VxMR is 5mv
Grado ME+ Mono is 5mv.

coming tomorrow: AT33PTG/2 MC .3mv/10 ohm coil impedance/dc resistance


signal boost, am I getting it right?

1. Is 3mv a MINIMUM strength for the mx110z input?

2. .3mv x 10 = 3mv (+20db correct?) (minimum boost therefore x10/+20db)?

3, if correct, is .3 x 20 = 6mv equiv to +40db?

4. if so, a SUT providing +40db is more than enough for the .3mv and any likely future MC?

impedance/loading: I am not getting it.

I read about a general rule: coil impedance x 10 for ____?
A33PTG/2: 10 ohm coil x 10 = 100 ohm

too high impedance sounds thin? bright?
too low impedance sounds dull?

(how?) (minimum?) (where?)

Thanks as always, and this time I will definitely wait for advice before getting anything. I am not in a hurry for this, Bill will loan me one of his SUT’s until I get my own.


Carver, Vintage?

looked up the Carver cube, 1981, 39 years old, I think it qualifies as vintage, but it looks as modern today as it did in 1981. I’ve been careful with it’s cheap speaker clips, but it’s doing a very nice job in my office. No power switch, no vol or balance, just On when plugged in. Separate control needed to turn it off, or unplug it.

I’ve got his AM/FM Tuner also, same modern look. Technically amazing, but the mx110z tuner’s tube sound beats it easily. mx110z needs a good signal, I put a separate TV/FM antenna in attic aimed directly at WBGO Jazz. Someone here (my memory sucks, sorry I can't remember whom) pointed out their antenna is actually in NYC. I found it online, happily my aim goes over Newark to the antenna there. Their signal is improved but still sucks. My Volvo C70's crappy antenna isn't good enough. Oh well, public radio.
Sirius XM has the "Real Jazz" channel, which I find to be a Godsend when I am poking around in my car hundreds of miles from home.  The "Sinatra" channel is excellent also.  So far I've resisted the impulse to acquire a Sirius XM receiver for my home audio system, but it actually makes some sense.
I need to look into a better antenna, my wife's car and friends car get it clearly. 

I have come to like public radio, even gave them some money.
Take a look at the jensen transformers, tavish design uses them in their Adagio phono amp. And just to add, my hana el likes 400 ohms or better, 100 ohms sounded dull to my ears....