Carver, Vintage?
looked up the Carver cube, 1981, 39 years old, I think it qualifies as vintage, but it looks as modern today as it did in 1981. I’ve been careful with it’s cheap speaker clips, but it’s doing a very nice job in my office. No power switch, no vol or balance, just On when plugged in. Separate control needed to turn it off, or unplug it.
I’ve got his AM/FM Tuner also, same modern look. Technically amazing, but the mx110z tuner’s tube sound beats it easily. mx110z needs a good signal, I put a separate TV/FM antenna in attic aimed directly at WBGO Jazz. Someone here (my memory sucks, sorry I can't remember whom) pointed out their antenna is actually in NYC. I found it online, happily my aim goes over Newark to the antenna there. Their signal is improved but still sucks. My Volvo C70's crappy antenna isn't good enough. Oh well, public radio.