LP - first needle drop or 2nd or 3rd??

Been recording my LP’s  to cd for quite a while,
  recently bought the Coven box set (which is simply beautiful, never bought such an amazing box set)
 felt box, flag, heavy pristine LP’s, signed numbered certificate by Jinx, one of the best box sets I’ve ever purchased.

Anyway, question is: would I get the best sound from the first play, or play them all once or twice, to get the proper groove cut, and get the LP’s accustomed to my stylus, and record at the 2nd play?

 P.s. the Coven band predated the first Black Sabbath album by 4 months.
first song is titled Black Sabbath,   Hhhhmmmmmmm.......

first occult album is by Coven, it’s a stellar release, if you haven’t heard of them, worth a listen.
 Parents had 2 Coven records, I remember as a kid, traded them being dumb?
 Box set is simply amazing!!
The type of diamond needle you use does leave traces in the groove of the lp producing noise . Depending on the type they ride on different levels of the groove .

Be it conical , eliptical or line contact . Conical because of its shape and size tend to track the groove on its upper part of the groove . Eliptical goes deeper tracking the groove in a lower level of the groove and because of this tracks information which the conical shape misses .

Line contact because of its shape is capable of tracing very deep in the groove and because of its shape can pickup information on the upper levels of the groove walls . With all three levels noise developes over time . Changing the type of needle used as from conical to eliptical minimizes the noise because you will be tracing a different level . 

Why not go direct to a hard drive?  Then you can dupe to CD, cassette, wax cylinder.....

Just kidding on the last...;)

Why have LPs and listen on CD??

You should copy at the highest resolution available.

Quality of your needle is more important.

You can’t record high resolution on CD, why not just WAV on hard drive in high res instead of 16 bit CD?

Is it for your car stereo ? 

I can understand Vinyl to CD only if you copy somebody else record collection for free :)) 

I do needle drop transfers and find the first run to be quite the one to go with. 
Normally you will also need to set the recording levels so it does not clip. And hence may need a pass over the first side. Unless you know the music from before.
If the record is visibly dirty if bought from the used shop, then I do put it through the ultrasonic cleaners. 
It sure gives convenience for playback. And if you have a top converter and record in 4xDSD, it will be ultra hard to distinguish from the source.