Looking for "perfect" streamer....

When I have my DAC connected to my PC, I can use all the streaming services (Tidal, Amazon, Deezer, Spotify, etc.). However, when I decide to move the streaming away from my PC (to avoid the noisy environment) I'm running into problems being able to access all services.

If I use a Raspberry Pi with RopieeeXL, I can only use Spotify and Roon (Deezer doesn't support DLNA). If I connect a Bluesound Node 2i, I can use Deezer but the functionality is limited (no thumbs up/down).

I thought about a NUC but I haven't seen much about using it as a streamer for all of the different services (but maybe my Google Kung Fu isn't that good).  And how would I control the Nuc from my PC?

Any thoughts on a "perfect" streamer that can handle all the services?

Thanks for any input.
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@tpreaves- I did put it in quotes didn't I? LOL.  

@steakster - Wow. Those look great but maybe I should have put a price limit on them. The off-ramp is $1,299 and I didn't see a price for the other.  

How about something under $1k?  :-)


Most of the streaming component apps won't have all of the same features as the native streaming services app.

Like the Node2i, the DCS Mosaic app for my Network Bridge also does not have the Deezer thumbs up/down.  But, I use the Deezer app on my iphone all the time when I'm walking, working out, or in the yard - so I use the thumbs up/down feature there.  When I go to use Deezer with DCS, those recommendations are there.  Life is compromise I guess.

But, Sonos was the first company to integrate with Deezer like 6-7 years ago.   Their Deezer implementation does indeed have thumbs up/down from the Sonos app.  I verified on a Sonos Connect I have in the house.

You could get the new Sonos Port streamer.  It won't match the Node 2i as far as streaming quality, but it is upgradeable by Wyred 4 Sound.  I did their upgrade on my Connect and it was a significant difference.  Well worth it, IMO. 

You can purchase the upgrade Sonos Port Directly from Wyred 4 Sound for $850.

If you're fine using your laptop all the time, you could also look at the new Dennefrips Iris.

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