aint it grand to have choices!!!!!
Harbeth vs Vandersteen vs Sonner
Hello All. I am considering a new system and after listening to the Harbeth 30.2's with Rogue Electronics I thought I was sold. Recently, however, I heard the Sonner Legato Duo's and was quite impressed. Since the Sonners have been compared to the Vandersteen Cleo CT's I am now planning to give the Cleos a listen too. Is anyone in a position to comment on how these speakers compare?
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- 36 posts total
The reason all athletes don't wear the same shoes is nothing to do with the shoes. It's the millions of dollars the shoe companies pay them to wear the shoes. In passing, regrettably running shoes have reached the stage where they are assisting the propulsion process. This must be clamped down on. Hard. More than 100 years ago high jumpers started wearing shoes with springs in and this was soon outlawed. Don't even talk about the 'blades' used by amputees, that took Oscar Pistorius, a club level athlete, to an Olympic final. |
Thanks to all for your comments. I certainly intend to listen to them all and make my own decision based on my likes/dislikes. Always have. Since I originally intended to go with a 100 watt tube amp (Rogue Stereo 100) I guess my concern at the moment is whether or not that is enough power for the Treos. I hear that they are a bit power hungry. Could I hear from Treo owners as to how much power they are using with their Treo speakers and perhaps whether or not a tube or transistor amp is preferred? |
Yea, who decided to let amputees into the Olympics? Why should they be allowed to compete? They should know their place, right? |
- 36 posts total