Recommendations for power amp placement/dampening

Hi all,

I will be receiving a moderately hefty solid state power amp (50 pounds) within the next two weeks. 
I have a mid century modern two tier table where the pre and dac are placed. I was considering getting a 3” butcher block with steel spikes. Perhaps there is an alternative isolation dampening technique that might be more ideal. 
My floor is carpeted and plan to place the power amp underneath the table onto the floor. Thus creating a nice tidy set up. There would be more than enough room for dissipation of heat. 
Would this be an ideal setup? Or would anyone care to suggest a viable alternative without going into the hundreds. 
The butcher block is about 150 with shipping. Steel spikes about 25.00. I’d like to stay below 300.00.  The main goal is to deflect low frequency vibrations. 


Put the wood butcher block on the carpet, with or without spikes. Place the amp on the butcher block. Hook up and turn on. Finished.
Don't listen to scothurwitz! Your amp needs NO damping! It will work and sound just fine naked! Believe me! I've been buying and using amps since 1976! Put it on a stable platform and it will be fine! Stop listening to crazy obsessed people!
People that know what to listen for know that isolation done right works, period. Juvenile rants speak for themselves.

It's been well established for many years that proper isolation can have a dramatic effect on audio gear and sound. 

Finite Element products under my gear (including a heavy Pass amp) made a world of difference, a huge improvement in sound quality, image more solid, improved soundstage, more detail. Other products can offer similar results.