Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 
Miller, I generally enjoy your posts, but you just wrote a book explaining something completely obvious that ignores the fact that nobody is ever going to have access to an “audiophile” cable or dsl modem. Even if they did, this is one of the purest examples of it just being 1’s & 0’s. 
The firehose of information coming out of a broadband connection has to be decoded and converted in so many ways before it ever reaches your device that thinking a fancy switch, or fancy Cat6 cables will do anything is complete hogwash. 
To make the point stick, I’d be willing to bet my house and both vehicles that nobody on this forum could reliably identify network components like these in a double blind test. 
That’s just the breaks man, like it or not. 
Post removed 
This switch isn’t produced by Cisco any longer, they probably bought a few hundred of these for about $40 changed a few caps and sell it to audiophiles for $450. It’s a layer 2 unmanaged switch that simply forwards to the mac address in the header of the packet. 
I think you’re wasting your breath man, admitting that this, or any switch, does nothing would for a lot of AudioGon folks be opening a Pandora’s box, they’d have e to reevaluate how many other things they’ve set money on fire for.