I finally got around to trying to figure out what was going on with the ViewPoints I bought in March. I had bought a replacement tweeter and installed it but it wasn't working right. I took the speaker apart and played around trying to get it to work. There was a signal at the tweeter terminals and at the plugs where it is installed. After being mystified for a while I noticed that the new tweeter had the same problem the old one had - the wire that connects the voice coil to the plug was broken.
Hmmmmm. I played a 60hz test tone and measured the AC voltage at the woofer terminals and the tweeter terminals. They both had exactly 2 volts. I'm thinking this means that one of the capacitors or the resistor in the tweeter path is a full short. Anybody have this experience?
Hmmmmm. I played a 60hz test tone and measured the AC voltage at the woofer terminals and the tweeter terminals. They both had exactly 2 volts. I'm thinking this means that one of the capacitors or the resistor in the tweeter path is a full short. Anybody have this experience?