Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 

You aimed your sarcasm at the wrong group.  You won't find a bigger bunch of voodoo snake oil lovers than right here at Audiogon.  Their fascination with multicolored fuses and quantum this and nanoparticle that is a source of endless entertainment.  As for millercarbons comment about resistors and capacitors, if he knew anything he'd know that they affect audio frequencies and anomalies, not those of a network switch.  OK boys, now let's hear about how I never tried it or my system sucks and I'd never hear the difference or I'm not an educated listener.
Post removed 
I’ve found those switcher boxes lousy for selecting multiple turntables into my phono preamp.

Lousy for signal level switching too. Worthless. Not any use for audio at all. 
LOL. İt is a joke selling a $100 switch to be audiphool modified.
So many gullible people around it is simply amazing.