Those crazy eastern philosophies. In yoga there are the 5 yamas the first ahimsa is non-violence the second is satya, truthfulness. Centuries ago it was the other way around but they changed it. Why would they do that? The first was always considered the most important and truthfulness held that honored position for a long time but followers of Pantanjali kept fighting over what truth meant so it was changed and placed behind non-violence. Doesn’t mean anything something that entered my mind reading your post.Thanks very interesting post indeed...
Except eastern philosophies are no more crazy than western one, they are complementary way of being culturally....
The changes you alluded to was simply a sign in the times (Aeon) to be read like a sign and understood....
Sometimes cultures like individuals collide without understanding themselves in their deep complementarities... It is like that in many forums.... :)
My best to you....