Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 
LOL. İt is a joke selling a $100 switch to be audiphool modified.
So many gullible people around it is simply amazing. 
Actually if you use it in the arctic in a vertical orientation with two polar bears looking at it, the sound is phenomenal. 
Do some research and see the changes made. There may even be a video. It looked almost completely random and did not show any evidence of any engineering practice and certainly no testing to see if it worked other than the usual.

Than said, ... I thought I was cranky. I tip my hat :-)
In a double-blind test, it would be much more difficult to determine any improvement with an upgraded network switch with a system that was not optimized. Comparing a network switch is considerably different than comparing another component - such as a power conditioner.

And I’m asserting that no system, at any price, will make that $500 switch a worthwhile purchase.