Need some turntable guidance


I'm new here, so let me give you some background.

I'd say I'm more of a record collector than audiophile.  About 15 years ago, life happened and I had to re-purpose my dedicated listening room, so I put most of my gear in storage.  I now have my listening room back and I'm putting my system back together.

Here's what I have:

TT 1: VPI TNT 4 with TNT 5 bearing and flywheel, Eminent Technology ET 2.5 Tonearm, Supex SDX-1100 cartridge

TT 2: Denon DP-1250 with Magnepan Unitrack tonearm, Grado Reference Series cartridge

Phono transformer: Supex SDT-722

Preamp: PS Audio 5.0 preamp

Amp: Bryston 3B

Speakers:  Apogee Duetta II

The Denon was used to evaluate the condition of new purchases and some casual/background listening, so I'll probably leave that alone for now.

I'd like to "modernize" my system a little bit, but as a record collector, my initial focus is on the turntable.  I've been looking around, and seems I have several options.

1. Leave well enough alone, keep the table and arm as is.

2. Upgrade the VPI, I see there's an inverted bearing and platter upgrade available for TNT models, and sell off the current platter and bearing.

3. Sell off the TNT, and get something a bit less fussy as leveling the air suspension can be a bit of a pain.

If I sell, I'll probably want to keep the ET.

I'd appreciate any guidance I can get on this.



I’d like to "modernize" my system a little bit, but as a record collector, my initial focus is on the turntable. I’ve been looking around, and seems I have several options.

As a record collector you have to focus on your stylus profile if you don’t want to ruin your collection, make sure the stylus is not worn yet, replace your Grado with new stylus. You can’t do that with Supex (only re-tipping). Turntable just rotate your record on the platter and if you don’t have any issues with speed stability then focus on cartridges - this is the most important. This is where you can get huge improvement that anyone can notice. With new stylus on old cartridge (or completely new cartridge) you will get much better sound.

I bought the Supex cartridge as NOS a few months before I stored the system, and looking at it under a microscope, it looks fine.  The Grado does not have a user replaceable stylus assembly, but it too looks good.

As for TT there are so many great would be hard to know where to start. Have you settled on belt-drive as your prefered drive method?
I don't have hands on experience with your PS audio preamp but putting resources into the phono pre is usually rewarding...
Nice system!