Who says cables don't make a difference?

Funny, after all these years, people still say things like "you wasted all that money on cables". 
There are still those who believe cables don't make a difference.
I once did marketing for a cable line I consider to be about the best-Stealth Audio Cables. 
One CES, I walked the rooms with the designer/owner, Serguei Timachev. He carried a pair of his then new Indra interconnects. Going from room to room he asked the room runners to replace their source to preamp IC with the Indra. There was not one that was not completely flabbergasted and said that the Indras blew away what they were using. That was the skyrocketing of Indra and Stealth. The Indra became one of the best reviewed cables ever.
Serguei now makes the Sakra-an IC that blows away the Indra!
I don't understand why some still do not value cables as much as I.
Heck, maybe that is because moving your chair 1 inch will make a lot bigger difference than changing most cables ....    but someone who makes a cable challenge and then does not follow through on it, or who posts a marketing blurb about feedback may not know that.
Please understand that many (most?) audiophiles use there ears as a guide to what sounds best in there system(s). They do that regardless of measurements telling them there shouldn’t be a difference. That is the crux of it, & it ends up as a circular argument as those that cannot tell the difference tell those that do it’s simply bias, placebo, waste of money, wishful thinking, whatever.

I can tell you wholeheartedly that cables & tweaks make my system shine. Does it sound good without them? Yes... but it sounds a lot better with them in place.
It is not an argument....

It is better, it is a complete case....


i could tell the same tale for sure for the judge.....

Except i will add for example that there could or would not be a difference if someone add a piece of shungite on top of the amplifier transformer ( that will compress the sound and degrade it at this spot) or if someone add a piece of regular quartz at the same spot(that will increase too much mainly the high frequencies degrading also the sound in some opposite way); but there will be a big audible difference between these 2 .... I learned to play with these differences to reach the potential of my audio system with many other experiments in another different road also....

In relation with the kind of speakers you have, moving the chair will not change the sound in the same way, or on the same scale, that changing "some" cable or making the little experiment i just suggest...Distorting the imaging for example is very different than compressing the sound even if these may be linked....

I will add that my little experiment is more than most argument, because reproducible....Measurable? in theory yes....In practice probably,but i am in no way an engineer....And i cannot wait for them to transform my own audio system at peanuts costs for the better.... Homemade experiments are the road....Listening with the ears and the body is the way....

« Miracles are scientific fact incognito or in disguise»-A Russian clown

P.S. i will repeat here that, like roberttdid advise, it is not a good idea for a beginner to invest big money on cables, there is much false marketing ploys here, and i will add that there is way more spectacular way to imporove the system mostly linked to the 3 embeddings of any audio system...Upgrading for a better design in an electronic component will give also better improvement than just changing a cable.... But for someone with a top of the world system already, rightly embed, some cable can make big differences, for most people ,s system not so much....

Correct boxer, the whole idea of this hobby is the listening. It’s not the read whichever measurements that some one seems necessary, as even the real experts will say that listening is still needed. In the end I want to hear something I enjoy, that’s what I, and others spend their money for. Not because Robert, David, or whatever his name is, decides what I should be listening to. Anyone trying that hard to convince people of something is highly suspect by nature of their desperation to convince. Robert sometimes when it seems the world is against you, maybe it really is you. If the world is trying to tell you the earth is not flat, maybe it’s for a reason. But really I don’t think any of us care either way what you believe. The problem is that you’re trying way too hard to make us believe what you want us to believe. Why can’t you just let us have our ideas, as I don’t disagree that you don’t hear, wether it’s because you don’t have the skill, you won’t hear because you are biased, or simply truly just don’t hear the differences. I suspect one of the first two because I believe most that simply don’t hear are fine with it for those of us who do, as we are with them not hearing a difference. I won’t be trying to get them to spend money on cables that would bring no value to them, and I’ll continue to discuss different cables with those who do see the value in them, and everyone can be happy. 
Oh give it a break speedbump6,

Look at you, dandy, boxer, you guys en-mass are making many more posts than I am.  How does one develop such an incredible lack of self awareness and self reflection.  As well, you seem to lack reading comprehension or only hear what you want to hear.

Let   me   type   this   slowly   so   that   it   is    totally    clear.    I    have   run    many   blind   tests    with    other    people    as    the    listeners.   If    I    have    a    bias    it    is    meaningless    as    I    was    not    the    test    subject.    Your    argument    is    akin    to    you    not    being    able    to     tell    two     cables    apart    and    blaming    me    for    the    result.
If my fault that my OP comments about company owners and others who made/make their living on being able to hear differences between components helped to devolve this otherwise civil Forum discussion into personal mud slinging, I am sorry.
Surely most on the Forum can and have recognized and respected the wise words and posts of Ralph Karsten of Atma-Sphere. A true gentleman and voice of decades as a professional in Audio.
I don’t wish to draw Ralph into this checkered thread. Only wish to point out that there is a significant difference between us hobbyists and the professionals. Speaking generally, professionals in the Audio Industry must have an educated and highly refined “ear”. When I spoke of Audio professionals being flabbergasted by the performance of one particular IC over another, I only wanted to point out the general professional perspective on this subject.