Active filter for B&W matrix 800

Hello everyone,
I own a great pair of B&W matrix 800's and have read and found that the best way to get everything out of them is to take out the passive filter from the bass, and biamp the speakers with active filtering on the bass.
Krell made the KBX especially for this but it is either unfindable or super expensive...
Anyone has experience with making these speakers active with a "normal" and "affordable" active filter, which brand, model would you recommend?
The JPS filters are called "Golden Flutes". There was a pair of the Krells for sale about three months ago.
Thx for the tips! You mean FXaudio have a pair of golden flutes for sale in their display? or a pair of speakers like mine?
What price do these filters go?
There was a KBX for sale on ebay some time ago but at 2200 euro without shipping it seems crazy!? no?
The JPS Golden Flutes and Maughan Box and Anodyne Acoustics, were replacement eq bass boosters. I'm not sure, but I believe the Krell KBX is an active cross-over
JPS no longer makes Golden Flutes. Not sure about the others.
I was going to 'activate' mine, not B&W, but it's too complicated for me.

My next speakers will be active for sure.