For example, you’ve made it clear that you don’t think the differences between competent cables is audible. You’ve poisoned the well by conveying that to a test subject; you’ve given him a reason ("power of suggestion") to find no difference.
And this is emblematic of many who clamor for others to conduct blind tests. Not all blind tests are valid, and conducting a valid test is much more work than it might appear to the casual observer, both for the conductors of the test as well as for the subjects.
Let me type this slowly so that it is totally clear. I have run many blind tests with other people as the listeners. If I have a bias it is meaningless as I was not the test subject.You’ve just invalided every blind test that you have ever conducted. That’s because a properly designed and conducted blind test must also account for and negate the bias of the test designer and proctors.
For example, you’ve made it clear that you don’t think the differences between competent cables is audible. You’ve poisoned the well by conveying that to a test subject; you’ve given him a reason ("power of suggestion") to find no difference.
And this is emblematic of many who clamor for others to conduct blind tests. Not all blind tests are valid, and conducting a valid test is much more work than it might appear to the casual observer, both for the conductors of the test as well as for the subjects.