Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 
A linear power supply will be better but will introduce also a noise of his own....

I know i use one....

But add to it a passive materials without electronic components in it, then no noise added, and listen the difference....

My "golden plates" work without active electronic components, are low cost and work better than costlier electronical power conditioner that filtrate but with the introduction of a necessary trade -off....

Unconventional idea are not popular tough..... :)

Please dont propose a blindtest for my golden plates.....i use 30  in my electrical grid....
Robert, that’s pretty funny seeing you tell someone else to lose the attitude. 

How does my comment “say it all”? 
How would you define “peace” and “control” in Audio terms. In a best case scenario, some reviewer may have previously described what these terms mean to them acoustically. In reality, nobody has any idea what the hell that means, or what that person experienced. 
It’s why the scientific portion of this hobby matters, otherwise it’s all unsubstantiated claims and tomfoolery. 
Unsubstantiated claims and tomfoolery costs a lot of $$$ in this hobby nowadays.