Anyone heard Schiit's Aegir?

Was curious if anyone had purchased a Schiit Aegir? I was wondering how it sounds.

I would never bridge two amps, unless all I needed was more PA watts and prepared to take a hit on every other parameter, including sound quality.

I would use the Aegir just on the mids and highs, and use a Vidar on the bass

Cheers George
Anyone else got a pair of Aegirs in monoblock configuration? Curious to hear what amp you came from you what you are hearing the with Schiits.
With all the publicity about this amplifier, including an unprecidented Class A Stereophile rating for an $800 amplifier, I am curious as to why this amplifier seems never to have been reviewed (or allowed to be reviewed) "professionally" in its bridged mode. 

Its 8 ohm output is only 20 waits single and is 80 watts bridged.  Especially since 20 watts is insufficient for a lot (most?) speaker-room environments and  80 watts can easily accommodate a lot more speakers and users, it seems all the more bizzare.

Any thoughts?

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