A challenge to the "measurement" camp

I’ve watched some of his video and I actually agree on some of what he said,
but he seems too confident on his insistence on measurement. For those
who expound on the merits of blind test and measurement, why not turn
the table upside down?

Why not do a blind test of measurement? That is I will supply all the measurement
you want, can you tell me which is a better product?

For example, if I have a set of cable, and a set of measurement for each
individual cable, can you tell me which is the best cable based on measurement
alone? I will supply all the measurement you want.
After all, that is what you’re after right? Objective result and not subjective
listening test.

Fast forward to 8:15 mark where he keeps ranting about listening test
without measurement.  

By the way, is he getting paid by Belden?  Because he keeps talking about it
and how well it measures.  I've had some BlueJean cables and they can easily
bettered by some decent cables.  
As for power conditioner, just because you have one, does not mean the power cable does not matter.

Imagine you have a power conditioner, but your power cable is slim and tiny, it will definitely affect the performance of the power conditioner.  Therefore, you need some decent power cable.  
I can't imagine anyone dumb enough to buy a power conditioner with a "slim and tiny" power cable. Ones I've seen have a cable thick as your thumb. I had one the power cord was not removable. Company be pretty stupid to sell power conditioners with an under specification power cord. 
"Imagine you have a power conditioner, but your power cable is slim and tiny, it will definitely affect the performance of the power conditioner."

That may be relatively easy to imagine.

What is harder to imagine is why anyone would buy a power conditioner from the manufacturer who supplies an inadequate cable. Wouldn't you question the whole product and manufacturer's competence then?
What is harder to imagine is why anyone would buy a power conditioner from the manufacturer who supplies an inadequate cable

I think it's profit margin and they probably want to buyer to pay for the cable.  A good power cable can cost quite a bit of money.  
That is easily true and it is another negative point for manufacturer's credibility. It is not that they are selling those "audiophile" power conditioners at cost.