Should I bypass my Shunyata Hydra power conditioner?

I live in an apartment building,so I thought a power conditioner would be benificial.I'm running my Shunyata Hydra HC power cord through a Shunyata power conditioner.O.K. ,sounds pretty good. Recently bypassed the conditioner,and pluged straight into the amp ( Hegel  H20 )  The music seems to sound better,especially the bass. Still using the conditioner for the DAC, and the CD player. Looking for feedback on this. 
The only power conditioner that I have found that amps sound better plugged into is the Audioquest Niagara 7000.

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You already know bypass sounds better. So really your question is, Should I do what sounds better?

Is that right?
In my experience with all Shunyata power conditioners (I've owned the last 4 Hydras/Triton--now the Triton 3 ), an amp always sounds better plugged directly into the wall. Even though Shunyata reps told me that amps benefit from the Triton, this has not been the case for me. Everything else I own, however, benefits from the Triton.

A few of the power strip style SEEM to sound better, but offer no 120 VAC maintenance. They are not made to make thing sound better.
The reason is safety, maintenance, and surge. Filtering is kinda hit and miss usually above 20khz and again at 40khz. 

I don't use them to make my stuff sound better, I use them to protect the expensive gear, and START from a good place. My conditioners are on a journey for sure, but they constrain NO sound to my ears...AND from any of the amps I use. I use a FEW different amp types. A good power supply in the amps to begin with goes a long ways too.

Safety, protection and sound. there is no need to give up any of them...
