Solid states more accurate than tubes?

Ever since I changed speakers from a pair of Maggie's to Proac's, I find the tonal balance more accurate with a ss, especially acoustic wood instruments. Tubes seem to lack that tonal accuracy. I believe it's a more realistic and accurate rendering. Is that a fair assessment? I'm not arguing tubes don't sound good with it's rich, warm sound but just not as accurate. 
Yeah its a well known fact SS is more accurate. Duh. Just look at the graphs. Tubes are expensive fancy short-lived tone controls. The warmth is all distortion anyway.

Probably a few more cliches I left out but that should cover it. 
It depends on which speakers are used with the amps.Tubes with particular speakers can present a more accurate presentation than a ss amp will.It's the way they compliment each other's distortions.
I don't think measurements and graphs reflect how a speaker truly sounds and if accurate high fidelity is the goal, would that mean that solid state is the only way to go? 
Depends on the tube amp some have very good measurements very linear and some SS amps measure pretty bad. That said it seems most people who like tubes do like the coloration tubes offer. There is no right or wrong but if accurate and neutral are your goals SS is easier to find that with. 
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