Hi Bryon,
Your question about the audibility of jitter that is on a time scale far shorter than the temporal resolution of our hearing is a good one. The answer is that we are not hearing the nanoseconds or picoseconds of timing error itself. What we are hearing are the spectral components corresponding to the FLUCTUATION in timing among different clock periods (actually, among different clock half-periods, since both the positive-going and negative-going edges of S/PDIF and AES/EBU signals are utilized), and their interaction with the spectral components of the audio.
For example, assume that the worst case jitter for a particular setup amounts to +/- 1 ns. The amount of mistiming for any given clock period will fluctuate within that maximum possible 1 ns of error, with the fluctuations occurring at frequencies that range throughout the audible spectrum (and higher). That is all referred to as the "jitter spectrum," which will consist of very low level broadband noise (corresponding to random fluctuation) plus larger discrete spectral components corresponding to specific contributors to the jitter.
Think of it as timing that varies within that +/- 1 ns or so range of error, but which varies SLOWLY, at audible rates.
All of those constituents of the jitter spectrum will in turn intermodulate with the audio data, resulting in spurious spectral components at frequencies equal to the sums of and the differences between the frequencies of the spectral components of the audio and the jitter.
If you haven't seen it, you'll find a lot of the material in this paper to be of interest (interspersed with some really heavy-going theoretical stuff, which can be skimmed over without missing out on the basic points):
http://www.scalatech.co.uk/papers/aes93.pdfMalcolm Hawksford, btw, is a distinguished British academician who has researched and written extensively on audiophile-related matters.
One interesting point he makes is that the jitter spectrum itself, apart from the intermodulation that will occur between it and the audio, will typically include spectral components that are not only at audible frequencies, but that are highly correlated with the audio! He also addresses at some length the question of how much jitter may be audible.
So to answer your last question first, no, I don't think that the audibility of jitter on a nanosecond or picosecond scale has a relation to the plausibility of Kunchur's claim.
As far as point no. 1 in my previous post is concerned, yes I think that the quote you provided about closely spaced peaks being merged together does seem to provide a logical connection between his experimental results and a rationale for hi rez sample rates. It hadn't occurred to me to look at it that way. So that point would seem to be answered.
Best regards,
-- Al