Thank you for your advice! I thought same of Ayon at first, but their scorpio is in the $3,500
range so thought funny there are not much mentioning on it.. PL probably seems to be the most failsafe choice, while as I dig into other options, beginning to lean toward models with more unique designs. My speakers are 83.5db,
very much limits the tube amp options..If without thinking of my speakers, my preference is class A SET (my current is a cheap 8wpc 6l6gc,I get a touch of it but not a good match). I really want to stay with SET but not much options out there with my primary search, and I started to consider pushpulls. That is how I came to be interested on Scorpio with class A Pentode.
Mastersound, class A para single 35wpc sure is attractive! I see similarity in design to Unison research (not the structure but in the similar logo fonts) If I was a real setereophile, this may be a no brainer with that audio mart price. Boxed Italian design is nice but this may be a design I may seek for later in my journey but for now, I miss the open chassis design with tube show off.
The Icon also is a new name to me. Class A, pentode/triode, 28/20wpc, enabling SE drive using KT150,,, and with open chassis! I understood this specifically designed with KT150 and not that one can play with tube exchange but this is interesting! I may need to do a deeper learning on this Icon.
Thank you for your advice! I thought same of Ayon at first, but their scorpio is in the $3,500
range so thought funny there are not much mentioning on it.. PL probably seems to be the most failsafe choice, while as I dig into other options, beginning to lean toward models with more unique designs. My speakers are 83.5db,
very much limits the tube amp options..If without thinking of my speakers, my preference is class A SET (my current is a cheap 8wpc 6l6gc,I get a touch of it but not a good match). I really want to stay with SET but not much options out there with my primary search, and I started to consider pushpulls. That is how I came to be interested on Scorpio with class A Pentode.
Mastersound, class A para single 35wpc sure is attractive! I see similarity in design to Unison research (not the structure but in the similar logo fonts) If I was a real setereophile, this may be a no brainer with that audio mart price. Boxed Italian design is nice but this may be a design I may seek for later in my journey but for now, I miss the open chassis design with tube show off.
The Icon also is a new name to me. Class A, pentode/triode, 28/20wpc, enabling SE drive using KT150,,, and with open chassis! I understood this specifically designed with KT150 and not that one can play with tube exchange but this is interesting! I may need to do a deeper learning on this Icon.