Solid states more accurate than tubes?

Ever since I changed speakers from a pair of Maggie's to Proac's, I find the tonal balance more accurate with a ss, especially acoustic wood instruments. Tubes seem to lack that tonal accuracy. I believe it's a more realistic and accurate rendering. Is that a fair assessment? I'm not arguing tubes don't sound good with it's rich, warm sound but just not as accurate. 
Funny. I recently switched from my Conrad Johnson pv-11 to my krell Pam 5 and the krell has way more detail. I even had nos telefunken 12au7’s in the cj. I think I’ll be staying with the krell for a while. Maybe look into buying a nice Ayre pre. I believe I’m hearing a lack of distortion. The krell also has a separate power supply and is a very quiet pre. 
No system or listening environment is going to be totally accurate, so why not go with what you enjoy listening to the most. What do you really have to prove? 
Some experts say all ss amps sound the same i don't believe that. Some don't like the sound of mcintosh so amps I happen to like the sound of mine. but with all the discussion about ss vs tube it still comes down to personal preference. And as others have said before it also depends on matching components to reach that personal preference.
As with every component, it depends entirely upon the IMPLEMENTATION, not the categorisation. There is one well known manufacturer that has been criticised by some for producing tube amps that sound too analytical and ‚solid state‘. The reverse has been said about a few solid state manufacturers.
SS might be more accurate, tonal balanced, refined, dynamic,,, is my guess, anda  position held by the SS community.
Yet in my experiences and for my taste, the choice is very simple, ~~Tubes~~~ always and forever,,,= I  have no interest whatsoever to consider employing SS amplification. 
IMHO SS is old dinosaurish technology,,which we had no choice but to use back in the day,,,Maraztn, Rotel, NAD, Nachimishi, Krell. 

nahhh I ;'ll forgo  your beliefs that SS has tonal superiority, dynamics, superior sonics~~ over  my tube selection,, Yeah guess I'll hang with the tube-let-down-sound, Oh how dull and boring is the tube sound vs the spectacular, stunning, wonderful world of SS experiences..Ohh what I am missing out on.
Yeah I'll stay with the loser-tube sound.
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