What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?
USB cables do make a difference. Even into my $3500 DAC. I have 5 cables here now and some are NIGHT AND DAY, it's not even funny how much difference can be made with a USB cable in a well set up and resolving system. I use an AudioQuest Diamond and have for 4 years. I keep testing others to see if one can best it for the same or a little more money but none have been able to up to $1000. I also have a $60 Audioquest Forest USB here and when that goes in? EEK. Sound shrinks, treble gets a tad more annoying, bass is less prevalent and the soundstage is not nearly as wide or deep. That is in comparison to the Diamond. I have a Nordost Blue Heaven and Heimdall USB here as well. Both of those can not get close to the Diamond. They lose air, extension and that cohesive sound that the diamond brings. The Nordost are thicker sounding. I also have a $20 cable here which sounds decent but you lose all of the magic that is so prevalent with the Diamond. I tried a Venom USB...warmer, thicker, more meaty mids but again, lose the ethereal character of the Diamond. I will probably keep my Diamond for life unless Audioquest betters it (unlikely). 
@stevehuff   Great comparisons. I've been playing with pricier USB cables lately but haven't got to the Diamond yet. Recently using the Audio Sensibilities Signature Silver, very neutral. I have an Alpha coming soon. But I'm interested in hearing whatever more the Diamond sounds like, or doesn't, whatever is appropriate, if you wouldn't mind. Or whatever makes you want to keep it forever.
@stevehuff Get hold of a Final Touch Audio Callisto and you might find the results interesting. By the way, I enjoy your reviews and photography...take alot more photos, you have real talent.
Another vote for the AQ Diamond USB.  I'm using it between my Mac Mini and my Ayre QB-9 and it's staggeringly good.  I did a few blind comparisons with the wife and she was afraid to give me her opinion.  Finally she told me that the Diamond (which she didn't know which it was) was so much better than my standard cable that one was like being at a concert, the other was listening to a Bose wave radio - which he have in the kitchen.

The difference the Diamond made in my system was nothing short of jaw dropping.  Super highly recommended.