I’d kindly asked not to refer me to web articles. There are so many out there, with different ideas. So what?
None are yours. It is your choice which one to addaped, and which one do reject. So it is for myself.
This idea here is mine. So as the articles won’t keep up the discussion, let’s leave it out from the beginning. Thanks.
For the inductance, if you read what DF is, and how it is calculated,
than you may see, it is ignoring the inductance and capacitance and use pure resistance values. Even though, if you look into a power amp’s schematic, you will find a few from both on the output stage!
The DF value, as so, is a pure number (just as dB) as it is the ratio between a constant 8 ohms (resistance, not impedance) and the internal Ro (output resistance) of the Amp. as so, the value (lets say 400) is a pure number. no values.
A thick cable comes assingles and not pairs, molded in a flat or round synthetic compound. You can drop the inductance. A #4 or #0 cables resistance is so low, that if there is any inductance, it is negligible.
On top of all said, did you ever gave it a try?
Because for those who did, it made a huge difference.
If you didn’t, why won’t you try it and then come back to the discussion.
That would make more sense.