Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, thatโ€™s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles.ย 
"...I can't see why you'd bring that up."

Simply because they put it just under the names of reviewers and before any equipment that it was tested with. It appears that revealing "financial interests" was very important to them. I can't see why you'd skip that.

I also do not remember noticing "financial disclosure" of any kind in audio reviews which made this one even more odd. Maybe it was just a nice, but clumsy, try to appear fully legitimate.
Hey, if you have issues with 6moons, contact them directly.ย 
I'm not their spokesperson.ย 

I have no issue with them. I just noticed a little unusual approach to what is usually not even mentioned. If they think I could be of any help. please let them know it is ok to contact me directly.
I've read here, in these threads, posts about conflicts of interest and all sorts of accusations about reviewers and their reviews. 6moons has been, for some reason, singled out as not being on the up and up for reasons I can't fathom.

Srajan has addressed these issues at length in the past so maybe he put that up there so no one can accuse them of not being up front about it. That, and I've seen where he's taken some really obnoxious and accusatory emails about his practices and posted them with their names on his "letters" section and addressed them for the public to read for themselves.

I don't see why he wouldn't answer any inquiries you'd have.

All the best,
I don't see anything wrong with the 6moons article as far as it goes. Where it needs a bit of clarification for me is when they talk about "timing jitter". I agree there is always room for improvement. If they're talking about jitter in the signal the timing is controlled by the DAC clock not the source in asynchronous transfer. In older DACs when isynchronous transfer was used jitter was more of a problem. If they're talking about line jitter,ย  that's divorced from the DAC clock by the DAC software and buffer. In well designed DACs USB jitter is actually handled better than SPDIF jitter.ย