My transport has "tuning dots" what are these?

I got an older AMC I am using as a transport and I was told it has expensive tuning dots inside, please explain what these are or might be and what they do ...thanks
What do they do though? where are they placed and what is the benefit? I dont want to open it up because with my health its too difficult so I am curious to know about them
They may also be tuning dots made by Combak. I have used them in several components back in the days of "try anything". They were reported to tune the component ridding the system of unwanted anomolies. The science behind it was never clarified.
The idea behind at least the Combak dots (and the Marigo ones too, I think) was that they would take vibrations from whatever they were attached to (I had some on my speakers, even some on circuit boards inside my old Krell SBP 64x) and re-tune them to a different frequency, so they didn't adversely affect the music. I opened one of them up, and inside there's a little piece, apparently metalic, that looks like a form of a tuning fork, so I think that the theory really is being implemented. On my Duntech Princesses you could clearly hear a difference for the better in terms of midrange clarity and slightly better-defined bass, but on other equipment, such as the DAC, the effect seemed negligible to me. I'm sure there are some who heard a change for the worse as well in their experience--remember, just because the sound changes doesn't always mean it's for the better.

If the dots were expensive, they are likely the Combak dots, which were pricier than the Marigos. It will be very hard to remove them (you'd need dental floss), so I'd just leave them in there, if you like the sound.
Tuning dots are marvelous little things that can have a surprising affect on most anything associated with an audio system. I have used the Marigo dots with success and at one point actually got a little carried away with too many. Overall, though, a great tweek to get that last 5% out of a good system.