My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions.

(Public service announcement-keep your pets away from your audio equipment)

I love my cat. But not as much as I once did :-)
The short story is cat pee corroded the main board to my ARC REF 5SE. 

Homeowners insurance doesn't cover repair or replacement because owning a pet means you assume liability/responsibility. Ironically, or strangely enough, If my neighbor's cat or dog did this, I could collect.

My options-
Repair it. Fixing it will cost 7K. The main board alone is 6K.
Buy a pre-owned replacement at close to similar price. And if I go pre-owned, what's the market on a REF 5SE with a destroyed main board.
Go in a different direction.

What would you do?

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As somebody that has had double digit cats...cats only pee outside the litter box if YOU are doing something wrong and the cat is telling you there is a problem albeit your not cleaning the litter box enough, the cat (male) isnt happy with his living conditions and is marking his territory, There is a Urinary tract problem etc.  So the Cat just got even and now your both unhappy.
I noticed in one of John Atkinson's video interviews, there is a cat lying on top of one of his components getting warm.

I've never loved a pet so much that I'd allow that to happen.