Any love for Musical Fidelity integrateds?

I recently bought a Musical Fidelity m3si and I’m pleasantly surprised how much I enjoy the sound of it. I wanted a SS amp to use on hot days when my tube amp warms up half the house. I always heard good things about MF, so thought I’d try it, but there are few MF reviews online, so I was a little reluctant. The m3si has 85w/channel @8ohms which is plenty for my high sensitivity Tekton speakers. I’d describe it as sounding smooth and effortless; having good clarity and detail without being bright. The balance between bass, mids and treble is just right. I can listen for hours without fatigue. All in all a very enjoyable and engaging listening experience. A while back I sold my Hegel integrated as I pursued tubes, and regret it, but I’m glad to have the MF.
I love their integrateds. Have a KW500 and NuVista 800. I think they are fantastic.
I have tried the MF5si and absolutely loved it. The sonics were exactly as you described. I ended up buying the marantz pm ki ruby, considerably more expensive. 
In my setup, it ended up a bit bright every now and then on some recordings. So I needed a warmer setup and the marantz absolutely nailed it for me. If you like warm sound signature, you could try auditioning the marantz pm 8006, cheaper than the MF3si.  Pure analogue though. At any rate, the dac in MF isn’t the best.  Marantz phono is highly regarded and the 800x series is built in Japan like a tank.

anyway, I’m glad you’re enjoying your system. That’s the key, a system that sounds good to your ears is all that matters. Doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. Happy listening!
I bought the M2si when Upscale Audio had it for $599. I was looking for an integrated with more power at 4 ohms for small Magnepan MMGW speakers. It was a very lively amp, solidly built and had good sound, but in the end just a little too bright for my taste. I listed it on Craigslist and it quickly sold to a drummer who liked its energy. I think they make good stuff. My first standalone DAC was the MF V-90, which was just outstanding at $299. I auditioned it against other DACs and didn’t replace it until I sprang for a PS Audio DirectStream.