Recently turned 60. My interest in stereos and music predictably go back to my teen years- first heard of AR, KLH, Dual etc. around 1974. Cobbled together a system in 1975 or 1976 out of old bits and pieces. By 1977 I bought a basic system - receiver, speakers and turntable- in 1977. I was already aware of the likes of McIntosh, Rectilinear, etc by then. By 1978 I heard of Dahlquist and others. First trickle of hi-end interest was in 1982 or 1983 and my first hi end purchase (ie, non mass market gear) was a Thorens table in 1985. By 1989 I had Adcom electronics and magneplanar speakers.
I am an attorney; I’ve also worked in a factory, retail sales, and a pro photographer.
I am an attorney; I’ve also worked in a factory, retail sales, and a pro photographer.