Are cables really worth their high price because of their geometry?

They’re some pricey cables that have claim to fame because of the high tech geometry used in their cables.
Many of these cables have patents on specific geometry patterns used in their cables and use this as a reason their cables sound so good. For that reason, many say the reason their cables cost so much is they’re so complex . The man hours to make a pr results in their high price. That maybe true for some cables, but I’ve seen very pricey cables using the same geometry reason that look like a thin piece of wire rapped in outer jacket no thicker than a pencil. So,Is all this geometry just another way to justify their cost or is it true science that we are paying in the end?
Regarding noise when an issue with wires, I am a big fan of shielded wires for that and they need not be outrageously expensive. 
My point is exactly that.  Value is unknown but prices are very high and everyone and their brother is selling. 
Someone must be buying, right? Example: me --- for every cable I sell, I buy another one to replace it.

And not all prices are very high. There are plenty of cables for sale at very good prices, for any budget. For example: me (again): I only buy what I can afford. I don't buy stuff that I cannot afford. Buying used makes it easier.
The problem there is if they are worth it then people would not be selling. But they are so apparently not.
Non-sequitor. People sell cables for all sorts of reasons. Maybe they've moved their system from the living room to a media room. Or maybe they moved into a new home altogether. Perhaps they've evolved from separates into more integrated components, or vice-versa. Perhaps their new components are balanced and need XLR connectors. Maybe the new preamp won't fit on the same shelf a s the old one, so new cables are needed. Or - although I realize the thought may offend you - they simply seek to upgrade a cable.

I imagine some take a beating Buying new then selling for a fraction of what is paid.
People imagine all sorts of things!
... regarding geometries please show where the relative merit or performance of different geometries is compared scientifically to establish the winners and losers ...
This is a hobbyist's group, so no one here is obligated to perform any research for you. Please feel free to conduct your own research and share the results with us.
Are all in the same ridiculous BS, spread by the industry.

I'm from the 70's audiophile gen,,,i never bought into all those high flown tech terms. ,.,,shielded, purity,,,OFC,, blah blah blahhhhh. Shielded from what? the air? how is the air going to add distortion,,My navships IC's has a  thin layer of coating , = and sound fantastic, as good/better than those super thick high tech high priced,  snakeoil IC's.