
Sam here in kansas city years ago i had a job working at SubTropolis underground salt mines in kansas city the largest underground storage facility at 55,000,000 square feet used for storage because the tempeture always stays around 60 degrees.l worked in an area that housed most all of hollywood films and the record companies stored a lot of master analog tapes there because the conditions were ideal for film and audio preservation. the 18 wheelers would drive down with there loads for stores like walmart and sears among others and if anything from new vinyl records and cdโ€™s and books had the wrapping ripped the stores could not sell them as new and my manager let us take what we wanted. l found out years later that he would make copys of his favorite albums from tapes he found in storage and i had him send me digital copys so i could enjoy the music. l realize thatโ€™s not legal but it was fun.when universal music group bought most of the other labels they moved everything to california and the fun ended but man do they sound good.
Your boss made digital copies of vintage vinyl and "man do they sound good." Today you're doing nothing but complaining about how digital doesn't have the sound of vintage vinyl. When you had the answer all along: find out what your boss used, and use that.ย 

You're welcome.
I say the Boss and Sam, need to understand what a thief is...Holy cow..

My boss let me steal stuff. He and I made bootleg copies, Iโ€™m still in possession of the illegal contraband. I admitted it on the internet, where it is at forever...

Sam Sam Sam..... my oh my....

You know I have an opening at one of my branches,
Fort Leavenworth Kansas, Federal Penitentiary.. What ya say Sam?

I'm beginning to wonder, how many of the folks here are locked up.., It don't have to be the joint either. LOL

Some of the crazy stuff I read.

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