HDMI i2s Cable

I'm looking for an HDMI i2s cable to go from a Matrix Audio X-SPDIF 2 to a PS Audio DirectStream DAC. I realize there are a lot of options at various price points.  I'm trying to stay around $500.  Anyone have any experience with the Tubulus HDMI i2s cable?
I have not tried the tubulus, but am using the phasure hdmi2 cable. I like it a lot, and it definitely sounds better than an AQ Carbon. I've not tried any other jumper config on it, other than the one which it was sent over with. 

I was looking at the tubulus cables as well, but didn't manage to find many reviews online. 

Keep an eye out for a 2 meter Wire World Silver Starlight 5-2 HDMI cable on ebay. These do come up from time to time. There are currently 1 meter versions available now, but 2 meter is always better. This is just about the best HDMI cable I have found and is only 2nd to the $4k Nordost Valhalla HDMI cable. Even though it’s a really old cable, it’s made using 24awg heavily silver clad OCC copper conductors for the main i2s signal wires.  It's actually the only HDMI cable made that used OCC copper.

I’ve tested many other current model cables and rejected them. This old cable actually performs better than almost every other modern cable except for the Nordost Valhalla (which is insanely expensive). Cost for this Silver Starlight 5-2 is typically $300-500 used.