A bit off topic, but wire connected
I hooked up my Emerald Physics 3.4s, which have outboard power supplies, but the crap jumper wire that was included is, well....
I replaced the CJs with Wire World OCC which was designed for internal speaker wiring. While initially the OCC was 'better', after about an hour it got better and better. Just upgrading the jumpers literally transformed the 3.4s to a much more musical speaker
I hooked up my Emerald Physics 3.4s, which have outboard power supplies, but the crap jumper wire that was included is, well....
I replaced the CJs with Wire World OCC which was designed for internal speaker wiring. While initially the OCC was 'better', after about an hour it got better and better. Just upgrading the jumpers literally transformed the 3.4s to a much more musical speaker