By ''parts versus wholes'' discussions we can clearly see the
differnce between ''holistic'' and ''parts'' (quality) approach. Buy
musical (aka ''sound'') valuation we can easilly see that ''parts''
approach does not work. As example we can mention Sony XL
88 D with which ''some Aussie'' fel in love and proclaim to
be ''the best ever''. With elliptical stylus? Yes! So those
''shapes'' are obviously not relevant.
differnce between ''holistic'' and ''parts'' (quality) approach. Buy
musical (aka ''sound'') valuation we can easilly see that ''parts''
approach does not work. As example we can mention Sony XL
88 D with which ''some Aussie'' fel in love and proclaim to
be ''the best ever''. With elliptical stylus? Yes! So those
''shapes'' are obviously not relevant.