RCA cable design

In a single ended cable, does the signal travel through the ground cable, or does it just dump its voltage to zero into ground? Is the quality of the conductor wire for the ground as important as the signal wire?
The "signal" is the voltage level versus time between the center conductor and the ground potential at the destination.  In an ideal cable this potential (voltage) is the same at the source and destination.

In an ideal termination, any current flowing in the center conductor will be in perfect phase with the voltage.

In "real" cables there are slight out of phase current flows due to capacitance, induction and dissapative dielectric losses in the non-conducting materials.  This will cause slight variation between the voltage at source and destination.  In other words,  cables will have a transfer function.

Cable designers should strive to make the cable have a transfer function which is equal to 1 (ideal cable).   However a non-ideal cable can have transfer functions that make it sound pleasing.  These like other elements in our systems are really distortions.  But not all distortions sound bad/

8 posts
07-22-2020 12:10pm
The "signal" is the voltage level versus time between the center conductor and the ground potential at the destination. In an ideal cable this potential (voltage) is the same at the source and destination.

What a great explanation.  I really don't need all the frosting a lot of folks add to the cake, so to speak. Direct question, direct answer..
I wish I could keep it as clear and concise.

Except he didn't answer the question at all, which is where is the signal. He defined what is the signal in terms of voltage. Not a word about where it is, and does quality matter. In other words its all frosting. To paraphrase the old Wendy's lady, "Where's the cake?"
Come on MC, That was, "where's the BEEF"? ;-) 

The fact that there is a slight timing issue, between pos and neg. 


In "real" cables there are slight out of phase current flow due to capacitance, induction and dissipative dielectric losses in the non-conducting materials. This will cause slight variation between the voltage at source and destination.


I find the answer interesting, not the question, I haven't quit figured that out YET.

Normally, there is a 500 word answer, I like the trimmed down version.
That explains HOW an RCA works.. Apply it where you like..

I agree it takes a neg, pos, covers, shielding (optional) and or armor.. AND yes, how it sounds. I'm just not sure that's what was asked either.


Tough crowd. Signal doesn’t flow. Current flows.
The signal is a time varying electric field between the two conductors. It exists at the input of the cable (source) and everywhere along that pair or conductors.

Where is the signal (electric field)? Simple answer, it is everywhere.
Now that electric field will tend to induce some currents (that do no work) in the cable.  That is where the mischief or magic happens. Some mischief can sound good, but its still mischief.