Stylus shape?

Is there a generally held opinion on what shape of stylus yields the best sound? I'm speaking of stereo, not mono.

Thank you.
Thank you all for your inputs! (See what I did there? =;^)

Yes, I completely understand that a the stylus on a pickup is only one part of a successful analog system and that the whole can be, should be, more than the sum of its parts. 

I was looking for opinions and information on the various shapes, etc. which was answered for me rather nicely. Best regards to all...
Well, Nandric always referring to MC design. 
But MM/MI cartridge manufacturers often making one cartridge with different styli (user replaceable), on the same cartridge body the advanced stylus profile will be better. Ortofon did it, Grado did it, Grace did it ...  
Dear chakster, your statement is too ''general''. Nanric refer always
to specific MC's and their designers.  That is how you learned from
your older brother  wich one to buy (grin).
That is how you learned from
your older brother wich one to buy (grin).

It is true

p.s. I feel that everyone is older here :) 
The paradox is that when you are young you want to be older
while when you are older you want to be young. 
You dear chakster have ''other'' problem than I.